Monday, May 08, 2023

Growing Up

I thought we were supposed to become more certain as we get older? Wasn't that the 'con' when we were kids. "Wait until you grow up..."

So, we all couldn't wait until we grew up. We, some of us, even looked upon adults as mythical creatures with super powers. (But, it was most likely just a con too)

I, actually, think the exact opposite is true. I think we get less certain.

(Sorry to disappoint all the young ones)

I just think it is because you become more aware, at the same time becoming less willing and less able.

I think your enthusiasm wanes when forever is no longer stretching out in front of you in that infinite way it did when you were 20 and you get to realise how temporary all of this is.

Death and taxes, indeed. Not only the only things promised, they are what life boils down to, in many ways.

And you know what? I am one of the more fortunate people in the world, I know that. Although, having said that, travelling around the world, people in less affluent countries – I'm not talking about impoverished countries, more your developing countries – always just seem that little bit happier than we do. People do seem happier with a little less, I think expectations are just that little bit lower.

I'm not sure that really affluent countries make their people happier. I think, perhaps, they make a few people really rich, but then have you ever hung out with the really rich? So often the most miserable people on the planet. I don't believe infinite wants makes you happy, in general.

Ah life, it is a tricky business.

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