Saturday, May 13, 2023

I Wish I had...


Walking back from Japanese lunch...

The scourge of our streets. Every second day I come out and some self focused twat has parked one of these in front of my gate.

I wheel them down the street and throw them in a first vacant gutter. (I am sure there are more marks on the side of my car from these things falling against it)

I wish I lived closer to the Yarra, I'd throw them in. (Yes, okay, the batteries in the water are very bad for the environment, yes, yes, I know that) 

I wish I lived close to a landfill tip, I'd throw them in. (oh yes, batteries in landfill very bad for the environment, yes, yes, I know that.)

I wish I had an vaporising machine, I'd...

Oh, I know, what do I sound like? Modern life wears us all down. Ha ha, and that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it. 😁

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