Saturday, May 20, 2023

Tying Bows

Why do all my bows turn to knots when I try to undo them? I ask this question of myself repeatedly.

Shoes, track pants, bonnets, well, not so many bonnets, you understand, they all knot up leaving me to struggle to get them untied. It is especially painful if I have gone to have a wee, and I pull the cord and it immediately goes into a knot, "Ah fuck the planet!" And then I am moving from one foot to the other trying to get my pants undone. Just as painful, if I have come home and I have taken one shoe off and the second shoe bow pulls to a knot and I am standing on one foot and I can't get my bloody shoe lace undone.

Is it just me?

There must be some sort of defective way that I tie my bows? I've examined them, and I can't see why? But they must? Something about how I loop the cord around and where I leave the end bits. I have examined my bow tying from all angles and I just can't see where the defect lies.

I've also tried to examine my bow untying from different angles but it all so quickly goes into a knot, it is impossible to see where the fault is.

It is just annoying.

Oh, one of the annoying things in life, amongst so many annoying things... like 30 kph speed limits - why is there never any talk of pedestrian education? Conservative politicians - any reasonable person knows everything that comes out of their mouths is self serving. American dates. People who hold their phone in their hand and have the person they are talking to on speaker. Celine Dion. Expiry dates on gift vouchers.

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