Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Are You Furious?

Aren't you furious that big business and conservative politicians have destroyed the climate of the planet? Or, at least, helped to.

I know I am.

The hottest winter on record, in my part of the world.

And what was it in July, five days in a row which were the hottest days ever.

And conservative commentators are still saying there is no climate change problem.

We're the custodians of 'the blue' planet, and from all accounts we're not doing a great job.

I often wonder if the people who don't care about the health of the planet are those people who don't travel. You know, when you travel, you see first hand the amazingly beautiful things and places this planet has to offer. Surely, if you saw all those things, you'd just naturally want to take care of the planet.

You know, all those place that are so incredibly beautiful they just make you draw in breath and stare. Your skin becoming goosebumpy, and you have to pinch yourself to know that it is in fact real.

I often think, maybe the climate deniers only ever look out on their own ugliness.

I don't know? I don't understand climate deniers. Surely, the sooner we get it fixed, the sooner we can all stop worrying about it. It's not as though it is only going to affect a certain section of society, now is it.

Let's fix it. 😬 Is that too naive?

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