Monday, September 18, 2023

The Voice To Parliament

I was in Murchison on the weekend and I was surprised to see cars with 'Vote No' written on the back of them. Written across the paint work, on some of them.

The proposition for the referendum next month is 'do you support a First Nation's People's advisory group being set up to advise the government of the day on legislation that effects first Nations people.'

It is an advisory group, the only power it has is to advise government. That's it. That is the question.

I really don't know how anybody could be against that.

I would have thought that Australians would be happy for an advisory group to be setup to help advise on legislation that affects one of the most disadvantaged groups in our rich country. You know, that famous ‘fair go,” we all hear about.

The reason we are having a referendum to put it in the constitution is so it can't be used as a political football in the future by political parties.

(because political parties never use issues as political footballs)

I'm surprised that people who will never be affected by this, ever, are actively working against it. I really wonder why? 

Why would people actively work against something that will never affect them, but could potentially help so many others? Shake of the head.

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