Friday, September 29, 2023

Turned On His New Brother

We had a bit of a set back. Bruno had been great all week with Otto, and even for most of today, Otto hung off his face, jumped all over Bruno, it was all going well, but in the evening, Bruno seemed to turn on Otto. He got grumpy, nasty really, not really sure why. He growled and snapped at Otto a couple of times, and was really shitty, and really out of character for him.

He was having a bad day, I guess.

He was on his chicken leg day, where he gets however four chicken legs and that's it. Sam feeds them. Sam feeds everyone. One meal, instead of two, just in the morning. And I know I can turn when I am 'hangry'.

Maybe that was it? Actually, it would be good if that was it then, at least, we'd have a reason.

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