Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sex Talk With Mum

Mum and I were having a chat about sex, yesterday, over lunch. I was explaining, or attempting, to explain to her that sex and love for her generation were the same thing, but for newer generations it wasn't necessarily the same thing.

"Christian, we (her and her girlfriends) only ever had sex with one man, our husbands."

"Yes, mum, that's what I'm saying. It's still probably the best way, sex with love, but, we can also have sex without love."

"I never really understood why you would want to have sex with someone you weren't in love with..."

"Because, it's a good way to get to know someone. It's a good way to make friends. It's a good way to finish a night out. It's fun. It's enjoyable."

"I didn't loose my virginity until I was 29," she said. "But, once I started, I really liked it and just couldn't get enough..."

I could see on her face that she really did like it, as her eyes went glassy and her mind drifted back to an earlier time. I've seen that look on people's faces many times. It was a look I knew well. Associated with... transmission malfunction, reality does not match!

Woa! Okay, TMI! Change the subject. I didn't, perhaps unfairly, really want to discuss it any longer after that revelation.


Adaptive Radiation said...

I guess you'll now think twice before trying to have another sex conversation with your mum.

FletcherBeaver said...

Ah no, my mums pretty cool. It was that she was, kind of, thinking back as she spoke, to the time and the wanton sexual, if not desire, memory, was clear across her face. I know, I shouldn't be such a baby.

Gabriel said...

well at least she didn't try to open the conversation with a newspaper clipping about how a man got raped and caught HIV before asking if you were dating your friend!