Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Movie and a Glass of Vino

I just thought, no date for a Saturday night? Not so long ago, I had three of them on the go, but they seem to have drifted off. I guess, I didn't like any of them quite enough. They were all really nice, they all had nice things about them. Ravi smart and funny, Alex sensitive and funny, Ben boisterous, but none of them made me go wow! Turned my head. Made me follow sniffing the air. Ravi could have, but he always seemed to be unavailable.

You can't make it something that it isn't, that it ain't. I learned that long ago. And you know, I want more than just the sex thing, more than, Stick it in here!... and then listening to a baby seal barking until you've thoroughly clubbed it to death.

I want to talk and inspire and be made to think and be taken to, and get to take to, places we'd never go to otherwise.

Until then...

No date. Sad face. Besides, I was too drunk. Ha, ha.

David and I watched Frost/Nixon. I saw it as a play at the MTC. I thought the play was fantastic. The movie was pretty much the same, but didn't quite hold the dramatic suspense the way the play did. It was good though.

Now, I'm going to ride my bike. Gotta build up those thighs for when Mr. Right strolls on in. You know, be ready. Ha, ha. I'd better go see how hot it is outside.

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