Saturday, February 13, 2010

Openly Gay

You know, I so object to the term "openly gay." It's like there is a qualification still needed, like there is an alternative reality. I mean, we know there is an alternative reality, but it is a reality upheld by the people who use the term "openly gay."

It implies that there is something daring about being out and proud. How dare he? If you like, the very use of this term puts gay people back in their box, don't get above yourself, as we know most "of your kind" aren't open about your perversion. At the extreme case, it stops people from being openly gay as it implies there is a more normal state of being for gay people.

It is objectionable.

Let's face it, the only thing that is "openly gay" is your arse when you are on your knees taking a cock up it.


Victor said...

"Let's face it, the only thing that is "openly gay" is your arse when you are on your knees taking a cock up it."

Even then, some arsehole tells you he is only 'curious'.

FletcherBeaver said...

I reckon it's okay to be curious too. I think all boys are.