Friday, October 24, 2008

Ashamed of Australia

Is it right to execute the Bali bombers? Frighteningly, the majority of Australians answered yes to this question, recently.

I am ashamed to call myself Australian when I read stuff like this.

We are a country that says NO to the death penalty, we were once proud of that fact. What has happened to Australians to change them from the forgiving people they once were?

Did John Howard turn Australia into the country of bigots it now is, by using race as a political weapon.

Was it Pauline Hanson, with her small ideas and 50 point IQ?

Was it the media orgasming at every terrorist plot as a means to increase it's publication?

Is it because society is now only made up of working families, politicly speaking, and anyone who doesn't fit this stereotype is a nigger, gook, spick, alien? Disposable?

Is it because we all have been promised so much, you can have everything, and have been delivered so little? Now that the promise of so much under capitalism has evaporated.


StevieD said...

I have no doubt that our nation has nurtured bigots. I'm not sure why and I'm not sure how to fix the problem but I do know that being Australian doesn't have the pride attached it once did. I remember when Australia was famous for its acceptance and openess to all. It was well known as a nation of people who were down to earth and now it seems our nation is getting a reputation of unacceptance and bigots. It's scary.

Bold oy! said...

It seems the whole world is turning that way; it's scary.