Thursday, March 12, 2015

So Suddenly Summers End

It is cold and grey, the rain is even starting to fall. Summer seems to have come to an abrupt end this year, not that I am complaining. I hate the intense heat of summer. Although, I'm beginning to think that I am, indeed, hard to please, because while I don't want the really hot days of summer, there is a part of me that is a little disappointed at the sudden, early, call it what you like, cold.

It is autumn, that melancholy kind of season, where the leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees, covering the ground in a carpet of crumpled leaf bodies. Autumn, when the skies turn grey and the trees are reduced to sticks piecing the white above us.

So suddenly the cold is here. Brrrrr. I don't say that completely disappointed more surprised than anything. Hot summer, hot summer, hot summer, cold summer. Do you think the weather is becoming more unpredictable? Do you think? Has anybody said that lately? Have they?

I walked to work with an umbrella in the rain. I quite like it. It is kind of romantic, even if I was walking on my own.

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