Friday, September 15, 2006

Aussie Values

When Howard stated that Menzies was his hero, who thought he meant he was bringing back the white Australia policy.

Adhere to Australian values, or get out.

Speak English or you're out.

Isn't that an insult to all the great Australians who don't speak English and who bought their cultures here at the enrichment of Australian society? Many of the Greek and Italian migrants didn't speak English, some still don't.

No wonder Bob Brown refers to this government as disgusting.

White and Anglo please step right up.

These Australian values? Where are they written down? In English only, presumably.

What Australian values is John Howard referring to -

A fair go for all in the workplace?

Not using minorities as scapegoats?

The ability to say sorry to wronged members of society?

Not engaging in wars for dubious reasons?

It's a shame that in this latest push, the Howard government can barely hide its 1950's racist view of the world. It's no surprise to me that Howard bought in sedition laws. Of all the Australian Prime Ministers...

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