Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Monday Night, Middle of No Where

I crashed Tim and Nicholas' dinner of silverside and potatoes, they had lots, they insisted. I smoked bongs with Nicholas - the nice glass bong I bought him has been replaced with a skanky fruit juice bottle and a length of hose - like riding a bike, not one cough. Welcome back lungs. Of course, that's two days running, smoking, if you count the joints with Luke on the weekend. Slippery slope, I know.

I banged into shelves at Safeway, afterwards, my head was spinning. I did get to laugh at myself, stumbling about. Just look straight ahead, I said to myself. Don't catch anyone's eye and they won't catch on. Boof, into another shelf. I did get the muesli, though, so no buying it tomorrow at five bucks a tub - a whole packet costs less - from Nashi. Who do I think I am... um... James Packer?

Then I fell asleep on the couch and have just woken to iron a shirt @ 2am. Damn! Now I've got to crawl into bed, get some shut-eye. I need a tissue, my nose is dribbling. With all of the extra vegetables I'm eating on my new trim down diet, my farts are rank and jet-propelled. Fucken putrid!

Missy won't let me play with her ears. She's a bitch, just catty. (I hope she goes bald from her excessive licking) She just opened one eye, when I tried and then moved her head just out of reach and then shut the eye again.


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