Saturday, September 20, 2008

Who Knows?

Does anyone know how the function under “permissions” & “blog readers” called “only blog authors” works?

Who does it allow to read my blog?

Or, where do I go to find out how it works?

I think I'd like my blog able to be read by the blog world. But, I'm just beginning to wonder if I really want it to be read by the entire world?


Bold oy! said...

As long as you let us faithful readers go on reading!

Have you tried blogger help?

FletcherBeaver said...

I'm thinking, I'd like the blogger world to have access. You know, any of them, wordpress, whatever the others are called. The like-mind people. But, for certain reasons that have thrown me a little, just lately, accusations from 3rd parties, I would rather not just the rest of the world, open slather. Does that make sense?

FletcherBeaver said...

Usually, I find blogger help to generic, and not much help.

Oliver said...

I want to keep reading too. I'm a blogger, although lately more of a photo-blogger:

Gabriel said...

don't forget me if you decide to go private. why did i think about you when i saw chomp in abbotsford?