Saturday, January 18, 2014

Who Put the God Botherers in Charge?

A friend of mine gave me an interesting opinion on why he thinks the Liberal Government thinks that global warming is crap. Translation - why the Liberal Party is crap. Why the Liberal Party doesn't care about the future of all your children - how could anybody who disregards the future of the planet so completely care about anyone's children?  My friend also tied it to why the Liberal Party has gotten rid of every environmental control Australia had in place above and beyond the, so called, mandated carbon tax removal?

Tony, the misogynist, Abbot is a devout, practicing, committed, whatever you want to call it as it all means the same thing to me, christian. The Indonesian tour boat operator is a christian. The fat one with anger issues who lies about the finances, the post op transexual who deals with foreign affairs, and, as we know, that... um... idiot... guy from South Australia. They are all christians, it is what they don't like to talk about. 

The proper question for any journalist to ask a member of the Liberal Party is not, "Why have you broken every election promise you made?" No, it should be, "So what part did god play in your electoral win?"

This is the reason why they think global warming caused by man is crap. It's all god's work, so therefore it is not something any of them have to worry about. So they don't have to do anything about the environment, they don't have to think about it, because it is all in the hands of god. It is all god's will.

It is why what the federal government is doing makes no sense. It is because they are leaving out the main incentive for what they are doing. Jesus. Like so many modern day Christians, just never mention that you are a Christian and continue on regardless attempting to influence the world. People are always turned off when you mention the C word.

I don't know really, but something has to explain what this idiot Abbot Government is doing. I found what my friend said kind of interesting. I'd never heard it stated quite so plainly before. Essentially, you can absolve yourself of making the big decisions, because god is in charge anyway, but, I guess, that is the basis of all religious belief, now isn't it?

I think all religion is nonsensical, based on nothing but myth, but I'm not against people finding comfort in whatever it is that comforts them. Some people find comfort in astrology, some people find comfort in ouija boards. I don't think it matters which supernatural force it is that you chose to believe in, they are all as relevant as the next one, as long as you find something in it to bring you happiness. Allah is just as relevant as Harry Potter if it brings some comfort to your life.

It is just when those personal supernatural beliefs are used to influence public policy that we have a problem.

I'm not sure if I buy it, though. I would have thought the Liberal Government were too busy licking out Gina Rineheart's cunt and sucking Rupert Murdoch's cock to have a thought out position on anything else.

It is troubling, though, that the gay... er... um... shall we say effeminate one (apparently, he has a wife and kids? Who'd have thought?) in charge of education has appointed some guy, who has been discredited by other educators, to review education, who has already said that the school curriculum is too left and that there is a greater need to teach religion in schools.

The critics have said that this education review has all the hallmarks of a brainwashing and propaganda mission to let the education minister impose his extreme right-wing views on Australian students.

Who said, when it came to election time, that giving the other guy's a go couldn't hurt?

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