Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bed Time

Every night almost to the minute of 10.30pm, Bruno gets up and heads to the back door where he looks back with a certain look that says let me out for a wee. Then when he comes back inside he will head straight upstairs to bed. That's the bed time routine.

Buddy used to do it to. He would sit at the end of the couch at 10.30pm and stare and his face would say, it is bed time. I could almost see Bud tap his wrist with his paw, "time people." I'd let him out, he'd go to the back of the garden and wee, then he would go to bed.

I presume, Bruno learned it from Buddy somehow. I guess? Unless it is just a bulldog thing?

They both do it, did it, almost exactly to the minute at 10.30pm almost every night.

I think that is interesting, don't you? Dogs, they are the best little guys, they make me smile.

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