Sunday, July 02, 2023


No racism. No Prejudice. No bigotry. I don't care if you are fat, skinny, tall, short, bald, black, white, gay, straight, bi, glasses, green hair, two heads, three husbands, I don't care who you are... it is really simple if you are any of those things, or anything else, you are okay, you are okay being you. No judgement.

I don't know where some people got the idea that they are superior to anyone else? Really, where did that come from? Based on any criteria? Certainly not based on skin colour, for the very basic fact that human beings come in every hue. Women being inferior? Well, that has never been true? Being gay, bi, trans, being wrong, well, religion has a lot to answer for. Or based on what religion? No, with so many imaginary mythical rulers, there are something like 5000 gods, how can one person's imagined friend be any more important than someone else's imagined friend. 

I guess bigotry is fear, fear of difference, I suppose. Why would anyone fear difference? Wouldn't you embrace difference, for all the things you could learn? Difference should be thrilling, revelling in the things that you don't know.

I guess not? I guess history speaks differently, hey.

Sad really.

You know, travelling speaks to this. How thrilling it is to discover places and people and cultures and places you don't know.

Why are so many people, clearly, so scared?

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