Sunday, July 16, 2023

Out To Lunch In The Sunshine

Sunday. We walked into town to walk Bruno, and to eat lunch. It was a nice day, the sun was shining, I even took my thermal top off and put on a t-shirt for the occasion.

We ate in Melbourne Central. There is a part of Melbourne Central that is divided up by laneways, you know, what Melbourne is famous for, its laneways. Of course, that is just a vehicle which architects use to design a large building. You break it down into what I'd call more manageable chunks of building, so the general public can related to it and  accept it and, I guess, by extension like it and use it, especially public buildings.

The laneways aren't outside as such, but as they are laneways, faux laneways even, perhaps one can reasonably assume you can take your dog there, which we did. And people think it is adorable, except perhaps the Indian family at the next table that moved almost immediately after we arrived, so Sam wondered? But, no, I saw the matriarch selling the 'larger table' idea to the family as a reason to move, so I don't reckon it was because of Bruno. And they only moved to the next table across, which was clearly a larger table for her large family.

Bruno lies on the laneway floor with his face between his paws, just his eyes moving watching the world, and the passer-by's genuinely have an enchanted expression on their faces as they gaze at him.

A gaggle of lads

Of course, Sam had an ulterior motive and he disappeared off to Harvey Norman or, at least, that is where I think he went, after lunch. Bruno and I sat on the grass out the front of the State Library engaging people who wanted to say hi, or take a photo of, or have a photo taken with, Bruno. I mean, I didn't actively engage with people, I just sat in the sun writing my journal on my phone, and taking a few photos of the day, but people are mad for him. He's kind of indifferent, which is in equal parts funny and slightly embarrassing.

"Oh isn't he soooo beautiful," someone will say.

And I can see Bruno think, nyr and turn away. I just turn him back, you know, as much as I can be bothered to turn hm back, at which point Bruno comes to the party, generally. Hopefully. Or I find myself making excuses for him. "He's been on a long walk, he's ready to head home to the couch." Smile.

They generally laugh at that. "Me too," they'll say. "See you kid." Chuck behind the ear.

Sam eventually returned and we trotted off home up La Trobe Street, Bruno stopping to sniff every damn thing. You just have to remember, it is as much about the sniffing for a dog, as it is about the walking. 

I lay on the couch for the rest of the afternoon with Bruno watching my favourite YouTubers on my laptop, dozing off half the time I had my eyes on the screen. I quite like that feeling of unrestrained slumber, glorious dozing off where you have no intension of limiting yourself by trying to stay awake. That sensual giving in. I've just got to position myself where my laptop doesn't slide off my lap and onto the floor, by just gently rolling my legs ever so slightly towards the back of the couch.

And that was Sunday.

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