Thursday, July 13, 2023

Working From Home

Yeah, well, as predicted I really had nothing to do all day. Nothing. And I will most likely have another day of that tomorrow. 

There were just a couple of questions all day, but nothing much.

And one enquiry from one of the a partners late in the day, a part of Boris' job description. I hand-balled it to The Midget, and she took care of it, with some input from me to help her out.

Other than that, I went to the dentist at 9am. Cleaned. And where my teeth have worn, there was a pocket worn into my bottom tooth, so the dentist filled it so nothing got caught in it so it didn't decay in the future. It was preventative. I have dental cover on my heath insurance, and do you think my health insurance coughed up the extra $100 for the filling, not a chance, baby. Fucken Medicare Private.

I went to the super market to get some milk and some oranges.

There were a whole bunch of coppers in, I guess, what you would call Special Ops drag, tight fitting copper blue uniforms on big, strapping lads who filled them out respectfully, they all looked like they had gym memberships. They were all milling about the recently fire bombed grocery shop like they had a lot going on. There were cameras and that reporter with the beautiful eyes was there too. It was all on the news at night, gang war escalates on Melbourne's mean streets, on some such over dramatized news report.

Other than that, I sat at my desk all day and rewrote huge parts of my blog. Easy Peasy. What's not to like? Getting paid to do what I enjoy.

I have decided that I really don't care, either. If I am going to sit here all day with nothing to do, I am just going to do my own thing unashamedly. So, I might do some shopping, go to Bunnings. If it is a nice day, I'll take Bruno for a walk, I might walk him to Bunnings. I'm going to do just whatever I feel like doing. Stuff it.

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