Monday, December 11, 2023

Dogs At The Door

We get deliveries every day. What with all of us living here, parcels come to the door on the hour every hour, some days.

I often answer the door and receive the packages, as my home office is close to the front door.

And more often than not, as I am receiving the goods, Bruno will wander up behind me to check out what is happening.

Do you know how many delivery guys are frightened of dogs? I'd say at least half of them, if not more.

I have very little sympathy for them.

"Oh, he won't hurt you I say," always kind of offhand.

And some of them will start backing away, and some of them run, which makes me smile, on the inside where they can't see it.

But some of them have to get my signature and name, and they have no choice to stay. 

I don't let Bruno get to them, I push him back. But, boy do some of them squirm.

It makes me chuckle. Again, on the inside, I keep a straight face with them.

Otto is in his crate when they come now a days, but pretty soon they are going to have two of them to contend with. It should be hilarious.

Of course, some of them pat them and play with them.

Some of them are really into them, which, of course is, actually, more work for me, with them leaping about and having a lovely time.

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