Friday, December 29, 2023

Stupid Speed Limits

Driving across the northern suburbs to clean up Sam's rental property, and to get the new wooden Venetians Blinds for our bedroom, which didn't fit, then to buy another set, which were too short, and to throw our hands up in despair at our stupidity, fuck me, how many different speed limits are there?

The multitude of speed limits now in Melbourne on any stretch of road to the extent that you are a fucking genius if at any point in your trip you, actually, know what the speed limit is at any given time.

60 speed limits have become 50, 40, 30 speed limits across the city. My theory is that governments want to drive us mad, I can't think of any other reason for these stupid speed limits. That, I assume, would give govts more power over us, you know if we go collectively mad, we'll look to the govt all gaga for them to look after us. Why else is this rampant stupidity happening?

And almost in direct relationship to speed limits decreasing, the road deaths are increasing. Our speed limits are now at an all time low, while our fatalities are at record highs.

Surely, the only conclusion one can come to is that lower speed limits are a failure.

Good work pollies, no seriously good work guys, all you have really managed to do is piss us all off.

Anyway, we're off to the rental property to vacuum and clean. A handsome guy in track pants came yesterday to pick up the mattress. Nice face, lovely smile, and a hairy lower back. 

We will be picking up our 3rd set of Venetian blinds for our room, hopefully returning the second set to the shop. The fact that we couldn't get them back in the packaging exactly right may go against us. Oh well, ho hum, what can you do. (update, no the packaging not being right didn't stop the return. yay!)

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