Sunday, December 17, 2023

Gay Porn

I've got a huge DVD collection of gay porn, which I want to get rid of?

How do you throw away a couple of hundred gay DVDs?

I mean, I can't exactly fill my bin to the top with gay DVDs. Can I? What would the garbage guys think about that? Or is that just internalised homophobia? It's hard to know?

I could throw a few away a week, but how long would that take?

Funny thing is, because I've wanted to throw them away all in one go, over and done with, clear them out, and have felt unable to do that, so I haven't done anything about them, at all. I could probably have, actually, disposed of them one by one by now, I guess.

We're a weird bunch, hey?

Perhaps, I should drop them off at the Salvos. Oh, I only say that because it makes me chuckle. Of course, I'm not going to do that. I don't even want my garbage men to see them.

Yeah, I know, first world problems. What do you do with your old porn, hey?

If that's all you've got to worry about in life, son, you are doin' okay.

Yeah, I know. It still doesn't solve the problem though.

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