Saturday, December 16, 2023

Saturday Night

I looked it up, ruby grapefruits and how they came about, when I was reading back over my blog trying to come up with a new post, it has been 3 days and I'm just not feeling it for some reason.

The young guys who rent next door are generally really quiet, I never really hear them, hardly ever. Except late at night, oh, I mean it isn't so late tonight, 10.45pm, when they have girls around. If they are being loud and excited I will always hear girls voices from over the fence. The chicks get the boys loud and animated.

I lie here late at night on my couch, that is often when I write, as Sam has always been one to go to bed early, 10.30pm'ish. He's definitely an 8 hours a night sleep kind of guy. And I like the peace and quiet to write.

But then the music goes on next door and the boys start talking loud, and the girls voices get louder and louder and I think oh come on girls just fuck them already so I can have some peace and quiet in which to write.

I looked up, how we got ruby grapefruits. The Red Rio was a mutant form of grapefruit from which the ruby grapefruit was developed. Good old Red Rio, as ruby grapefruits are definitely a favourite. You can eat them like oranges. You can't eat yellow grapefruit like oranges.

I write my journal. I write blog posts. Next door is quiet again.

11.15pm. Otto sits up in his crate, he’s been asleep for a while, so I go over and open the door and proceed to take him out to the back yard for a piss. But he has other ideas and he runs around the coffee table and jumps up on the big couch, which he can still only just manage, and it is adorable, and promptly makes himself comfortable next to me. He snores and farts and I write.

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