Sunday, December 31, 2023

Holiday Break

It's nice to be on holidays, even if I am not actually on leave. I'm only getting the public holidays this year, but because I work M to W, and the way the public holidays fall this year, it only means I work 3 days. So, I am not, actually, taking any annual leave.

Do you know how much annual leave I have accrued, a huge number of days, as I haven't, actually, taken leave since we went to Japan in 2019. Oh, I've taken a few days over Xmas each year, but they don't amount to many, but I haven't taken any big blocks of leave.

Sam is on holidays, saying he is never going back to work. He wanted to go away overseas, but I just wasn't feeling it. How could I go away and leave my bullies?

Of course, it is now Sunday, so we are halfway through the Xmas break. And it's New Year's Eve, and we're just having a quiet one at home. What's a good New Year's Eve movie to watch?

While Buddy and Bruno have never really been affected by the fire works, on New Years Eve, Otto is really sensitive to noise so we'll have to see how he goes with the fire works tonight.

We're off cleaning and painting today, as soon as we get our shit together. The sun is shining, it's a perfect day. We'll take the dogs for a run around the park in Brunswick. And then Sam is going to sugar soap some walls, and I'm going to stain some panelling which had to be replaced when a heater was changed. 

So, Happy New Year everyone.

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