Friday, December 15, 2006

I've realised that it is going to be rather hard to write my blog and keep it anonymous, away from prying eyes, with Josh around. He is smart and quick and inquisitive and if he spots me writing it, even for a milli-second, he'll be into it and reading the lot. He'll only have to catch a glimpse of the name and...

I love the freedom anonymity gives me. I don't want an audience of friends reading it, not for a second. Already, I'm beginning to modify what I might say about him, in my head, just on the off-chance.


But, I did change my home page from Blogger to Google, this morning, just to keep that much away from him, when he uses my computer. May be a little late, but better late than...

"Everyone is blogging," he said, after he checked his emails the first time.

I should have thought of that, before he got here.

Anyway... I'm off to the country.

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