Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sunday Morning

Yesterday morning, I got up early, nobody was around. The sun was shining, the sky was blue. It was hot, early. I wrote for a while and got pissed off with Blogger for not uploading my photos. I was going to pinch some of Mark's, cool sunset shots. I guess that was instant karma. What am I talking about? Mark wouldn't have minded, even if he didn't know I was using them on the net.

I smoked a couple of joints and then had a nap in the afternoon. You know, flat out. And because I took Friday off to help them out, it felt like a Sunday, but was still only Saturday.

Mark & Luke drove me home.

Josh had washed both my dressing gowns, just so I had none to wear. That was how he put it, anyway. It looked like a Chinese laundry, when I got home. He had laid out a collage of newspaper clippings on my bed, for my pleasure. They were cool, they made me laugh.

Josh's scared of Mark & Luke, he always gets nervous when they are around. I must say he put in a valiant effort, though, not disappearing to his room until he had put in a decent show. He thinks Mark & Luke don't like him. They don't.

I think he was pissed off, a bit, that I'd said I'd come home so we could go out, but I got a cold sore, Saturday morning. I'm like the girl in the motor bike helmet, in the cold sore ad, absolutely. I feel like a pariah when I have a cold sore. Dirty. Unclean, like I have oozing cancer. I probably should get therapy. Ha, ha. Instead, I just lock myself indoors.

I think that Josh was a bit miffed that I ate Indian take away and watched bad American Art-house, instead, with Mark & Luke. He went out with his mate Deano, the one who is famous for falling asleep, up Josh's arse. Josh never quite forgiven him... they are now just mates.

Jeff and Raymond came over, to say farewell. They have now sold their house in Fitzroy and are moving to Brisbane. Raymond finally convinced Jeff that it is too cold in Melbourne, bloody winger. I think it's all in his fucking head. Sure, Melbourne is colder, but it only takes twelve months to acclimatise. Anything after that and it's just self-indulgence. I think it becomes a mental thing, he can't just let it go and relax.

Personally, I think it is more of a statement on their relationship, all this too'ing and fro'ing. They earn a squillion dollars between them, so, since they can afford to, they lived in a flat, they bought in Brisbane, for a year, while their house was rented out, which Raymond loved. And now they have lived down here for a while, which Jeff loved. But they have now sold up down here and are going to buy a house up there.

No matter where you run to, you'll always find yourselves there.

See ya guys, have fun.

Good luck in the Brisbane summer, Jeffy boy - Fitzroy through and through. (Once a Mexican...) I'll miss you. (despite not seeing much of you since you have been back)

It is another glorious morning, just of the city variety, this time. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. Missy is meowing at my feet.

I've already had a joint and am considering another.

I got up early to blog, so I could before Josh gets up. I can stop any time I like. No, I can. I can.

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