Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Had to Keep Looking Away From Him

I was kicked out into the main office today. The dreaded bitch manager was back, who seems quite nice really, however, there are only two desks/computers, there was no choice.

This put me in close proximity to Angelo. Now, don't worry I had already noticed him, already, along with a couple of other delectable wog boys, three to be exact. They all go to the first lunch, so you know which lunch I have been going to. But, I digress.

I first noticed Angelo on the first casual clothes Friday, cute. Jeans, t-shirt and sheep skin jacket, big smile, hot. He's a blonde wog boy, of sorts, genealogically, very cute. Everyone loves him, he is the character of the office. The front of his pants would just fit into the palm of my hand. It just calls out to me. I have to be very careful not to look. Every time he stood up and spoke on his phone, I couldn't help but gaze at his perfect arse.

"G'day," he said when he noticed me.

He is beautiful, everybody flirts with him, unwittingly, he just has that effect on people. He likes it, responds to it, he's very sexy.

I had to keep looking away from him.

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