Thursday, April 26, 2012

It Has Already Happened

I watched a documentary on ancient Egypt and it is now thought that the once biggest and most sophisticated society in the world was destroyed by severe climate change.

And now, not unlike Rome, while the whole world fiddles, it looks like it is going to happen again.

The Egyptian society didn't fail due to man made pollution, of course, but by sustained natural drought, which is different to today. But, it still failed due to climate change. It was still a large, modern civilisation which was ceased to exist due to climatic circumstances.

So it has already happened.

I say this because I think we get so cocky that it wont happen today. I think deep down most western people on some level don't believe it will happen today.

So cocky that we won't curb our use of power, so cocky that we wont even stem the rate of increase. In a time when all climate scientists say we should be reducing our power needs, it is increasing at a greater rate than ever before.

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