Friday, February 01, 2013

Looking Sideways Across My Mattress to My Laptop

Mark 12.05AM


Mark 1:11 PM

are you there?

1:16 PM Call started

1:16 PM Call ended – no answer

Christian 1:19 PM

I got pot for the weekend. I decided that I just had to try it, for quality you understand. Now, very stoned lying in bed

Mark 1:20 PM

oooh... dont do a sic chriso

is san by your side... or are u a loneliness

Christian 1:21 PM

he's at work

Kennie called at 10am, he was in Mullimbimbi on his mobile. I told him Luke should just about be landing, as we spoke. Is that correct?

Mark 1:23 PM

no silly... he just left saigon this morning

Christian 1:23 PM

I though he got into melb 6am this morning?

Mark 1:23 PM

nup... tomorrow morning

Christian 1:23 PM


Mark 1:24 PM

that is such a hoot re Tulli...

how did you find that out… Dante?

Christian 1:25 PM

What about Luke? Do you know Ken's mobile? I gave him Luke's mobile

Mark 1:25 PM

he is going to call him when he gets to Singapore

so all is cool....

Christian 1:26 PM

the phones aren't working. Ken said they have been copping it for three days

Mark 1:27 PM

yes he told me i've lost all my beach... damn... Luke was right

all that work... down the drain... literally

Christian 1:28 PM

What about Luke. Do I have to do anything to fix it?

Mark 1:28 PM

fix what

Christian 1:28 PM

I told Ken he was landing this morning

Mark 1:29 PM

no i spoke to him about 1 hr ago all is cool

Christian 1:29 PM

oh, good

Mark 1:29 PM

so Tulli? who told yoi

Christian 1:30 PM

Shane, in the beginning. I forgot about it until just lately.

Sam reminded me that I hadn't told you

Mark 1:31 PM

you forgot... not a minor detail I would think... could have been getting lots of mileage outa that one

Christian 1:32 PM

Let's say, I kept you out of trouble

Mark 1:32 PM

so. Shane will be living off the earnings of his prossie husband... what a hoot

Christian 1:32 PM

Yeah, daddy!

Mark 1:33 PM

no wonder they’re not worried about income... should come streaming in... NOT... big fish in Melb... very small guppy in London I would think...

hahaahhahah were you scared that I would create havoc... what must you think of me...

Christian 1:35 PM

No, I forgot to tell you in person, and then I just didn't think about it again

Shane told me, that it confirmed his sexual prowess, being chosen by a professional

It was too much for me to keep in my short term memory, I had to banish all thoughts

Mark 1:39 PM

WHAT... OMG... this is gold

well that whole scenario will really set the cat among the pigeons...

Mark 1.41 PM

Does Anthony Know?

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