Wednesday, January 17, 2018

My favourite begonia has been relentlessly attacked by caterpillars, lately. I have had to keep going over and over and over it to pluck off all the little green monsters to stop their destruction. Damn things. They just seem to keep coming and keep coming. I've got to wonder where they come from on an indoor plants, I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation, for which I have no time, as I have to put all of my energy into the fight against them.

Actually, that is my second favourite begonia. I have another one that was the first plant I ever have grew. I got it from some friend of my mother's when I was fifteen, so that is more years than I care to remember. It is now on the veranda, as it is too big to have inside, but it seems to love it out there.


Adaptive Radiation said...

Drool...plant porn. Love the begonia. I want to get one with the prominent spots on the leaves.

FletcherBeaver said...

I'll grow you a begonia with big spotty leaves