Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Ground Hog Day

It's like Ground Hog Day here every day. It made me laugh this morning when I realised that I was doing it again.

Every day, I get my cordless headphones, I get the battery from the special zip up battery case, and I put the battery into the headphones, I switch the music on, and the day fades away. (pot helps)

Every night, Sam takes the battery out of my cordless headphones, he gets the special zip up case from the headphones case, he places the batter into the special zip up case and puts the special zip up case into the proper compartment of the headphones case. He puts my headphones away in their case and he zips up the case.

Funny thing is, I never see him do it.

Every day, I get my cordless headphones, I get the battery from the special zip up battery case, and I put the battery into the headphones, I switch the music on, and the day fades away. (pot helps)

That's a little OCD. Oh, come on, it is!

He gave me chores at the door this morning, I ignored them and wrote all day. (pot helps)

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