Monday, April 20, 2020

My Rich Law Firm is Pathetic

My alarm went off at 6am. Monday morning? Another Monday morning.

I got up at 6.30am.

The wind is howling outside, the weather girl with the awful voice on teev was right, wild and woolly weather for the northern suburbs.

I sign into work. They get more hours out of me with me working from home with me signing in so early. I just make a cup of coffee then I start work. It is kind of a win win, as I love working from home.

11.30am. It was windy and rainy outside, like a winter’s day.

Midday I have a shower. Some days you just have to shower. 😬 No, seriously, when the it all gets a bit damp down there, that is a sign that a shower is necessary.

My Motown CD arrived, lovely. Standing In The Shadows Of Motown.

My company, which is basically a debt-free multinational partnership owned by multimillionaire partners, is going to reduce all if its employee's wages by 15%, justifying it as needed in times of reduced profits. Do you believe it?

Apparently, there was some questionnaire/impassioned zoom meeting fom the head partner/CEO that was full of sentimentality and heartfelt we’re-all-in-this-togetherness that I, somehow, missed where the majority of the employees agreed to it.

It is pathetic, that’s what it is. Proving you can fool some of the people all of the time.

Jasus, the world is full of morons.

Of course, I blame years of conservative Liberal governments who have drip fed the population with the idea that workers’ rights can be discarded for the good of the wealthy person's fortune… er, nation.

I don't really have any financial woes, I'm just making an observation for the collective good. 😬 The ordinary man should be rioting in the streets, demanding the head of the likes of Gina Reinhart, et al, on sticks for how the rich are screwing them over. But for some reason now a days the worker simply lies down on the ground with their arses in the air and accepts the rich fucking them harder than ever before.

I think it is pathetic. When you go into business there are risks involved that every owner of a company knows about. You take risks with your money and in the good times it pays off, in the bad times it doesn’t. The employee took no such risks and their wage isn’t dependent on market forces.

Is this the new normal, every time profits are down are worker’s wages going to be cut?

Is it because we now have an American parent company and in America workers’ rights mean even less than they do in Australia?

Ah fuck it, I think. Seriously, they are fuckers. I decide work is done for the day. I head out into the back yard, where I see next door’s geranium had grown so big it now blocked the sun from getting to my succulents in pots which are on my side of our shared gate, so I ripped their geraniums out, the whole plant, and toss it in the bin. See [name of law firm] see what you made me do. 

I stand there looking to the north with the sun on my face and chuckle nervously to myself at what I’d done. Hypocrite, my name is. Oh, the renters won’t care. The renters won’t even notice. Nobody will notice, settle down Christian.

We ate salad and chicken schnitzels for lunch.

Fuck the company. Fuck the day. Reduce my pay by 15% will you? Seriously, that is how you are going to treat your staff?

We took the dogs for a walk to the Carlton Gardens. We walk the perimeter pathway. Bruno trotting along next to Sam with his arse going swish, swish. Bruno has a swishy walk. Buddy and I trot along behind them.

We bought Japanese takeaway on the way home for dinner in Gertrude Street from the sake and whatever shop. They changed their menu, there is now less and it costs more. That initial platter we had from them was spectacular, but it has never been as good as that again, still good, but not as good as that first time.

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