Tuesday, April 21, 2020

So, I Am Doing My Bit. Ha Ha. Think Green

The alarm sounded at 6am. It was still dark outside. I lay in bed momentarily and gazed out at the darkness outside. The whole world is contained in that darkness you see through your bleary eyes from your bed in the early morning in that half awake state. There, that is the truth. It is so serene, the calmest part of the day. Peace with the slightest hint of melancholy. You have to get up and face the day, but the only place you want to be at that moment is in the safety of your warm bed gazing out onto the world.

Loveliness prevails, if only for the shortest, sweetest time.

6.10am. Bruno and I were up and heading outside for a wee. Bruno, not me, you understand. I drew in breath at how cold it was outside as I exited the house. “Jasus Xist!” I stepped back inside and waited at the back door for him to come back.

I signed into work. I bring up me emails straight off, just to see who wants what and when? There is always someone who wants something, ain’t that the truth.

I made coffee.

I read, the lesbian parliament (that didn’t faze me, as I’d always heard there was an, apparent, ruling lesbian group. You know, they are always having meetings) legalizes cannabis farming for medicinal purposes, (I can picture this no problem, girls in overalls and gum boots, sure) in hopes that it will bring revenue to the country. Um? Country? I know lesbians like to form collectives but to call them a country… oh, oops, its Lebanese… oh, well yes that does make more sense.

Racist coronavirus graffiti sprayed on Chinese-Australian family's home in Melbourne. Well, I wonder if it will ever come out that China released the Corona virus on purpose? I’m not saying they did, but what if…

I made vegemite toast for breakfast and more coffee.

Bruno hopped up on the couch next to me in the study, scratching around in his stinky blankets until he got comfortable, as he likes to do.

I worked away. Tuesday. Ah Tuesday? What can I say about Tuesday? It comes after Monday and before Wednesday. What else can I say?

We ate noodles for lunch.

The new iPhone arrived latish in the afternoon, say about 3pm. We’d been waiting for it all day, since yesterday to be exact. That’s how long we’d been waiting. 

I signed out of work at 4pm.

4.30pm. We took the dogs for a walk.

Gertrude Street > Napier Street > Westgarth Street > my Street. The present evolution of the path we are taking. There is always an evolution of walking routes with them changing slowly over time. You know, really slowly, like how we evolved on this planet.

5.15pm. Buddy, Bruno and I are waiting out the back of Woollies while Sam shops for food. Bruno lies out with his face between his paws, once he has finished trying to eat sticks and leaves. Buddy remains standing throughout the whole process. I sit on the edge of the garden bed.

We ate chicken breasts and chicken schnitzels for dinner, with a big salad.

I got my new iPhone10. Lovely, huh? It’s nice to get a new phone, well, new to me. I’m very happy with getting Sam’s old phone when he gets a new one. Isn’t that one of the biggest environmental problems in the world today? Old phones? So, I am doing my bit. Ha ha. Think Green.

Sam went to bed at 11pm.

I put the bins out and listened to You Don’t fool me, and Motherlove and My Life Has Been saved all off Queen’s last album, Made in Heaven. You Don’t Fool Me was made up of fragments of recordings, which I find really interesting. It’s a song Freddie sings that he has never heard.

I went to bed at 11.30pm.

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