Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday 13th

Bruno and I sit on the couch. Sam is in the other room working. I've been reading the news. Bruno is licking bits of him and me. When he is not licking, he pushes his furry arse into my side trying to claim more space on the couch.

David is still asleep. She doesn't get up and piss before midday. I guess that is one of the byproducts of working your own hours for many years.

Tim is off exploring Melbourne with his housemate. Tim is up at day break.

It is quiet, just the sound of running water from the pond beyond the back door. There is a cool breeze blowing in.

I'm trying to get some writing done. My mind hasn't been in it lately so I am struggling a bit.

Must be time to watch YouTube. 😬

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