Saturday, January 28, 2023

My Sore Finger

I've always bitten the skin off from around my fingernails, without any problems, but now I keep getting these infections down the side of my finger nails. ☹️ I've almost stopped biting the skin because of the infections.

I have been battling one of these for the last few days. Oh, I forgot myself and before I knew it, I'd absentmindedly chewed off a chunk of skin. Damn! I thought as I realised.

Stupid me.

My infected finger hasn't come good even after liberal applications of Betadine, tea tree oil, and pawpaw cream for the past few days, or so.

So, I am now soaking it in hot salty water to draw out the puss/infection. It will come up as a pussy blister when it is done. Probably when I wake up in the morning. Lovely, I know.

So, I have parked myself in front of YouTube while this process proceeds.

If its not one thing, it is another, at the moment. Pills, buzzing feet, pathology.

I contented myself with some of the world's greatest singers giving Aretha Franklin's song Ain't No Way a crack.

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