Wednesday, January 04, 2023


When will Prince Harry’s seemingly never ending tantrum stop, you have to ask?

I just see him as a spoilt rich kind with enormous advantage and wealth being incredibly disloyal to his family.

And Meaghan? Well, she really is a nobody, isn’t she. She seems to be milking her 15 minutes for all its worth. Seriously.

Spare. (more like Spoilt) That’s what we’re all going to go if we have to continue listening to their continual whinging. They only have one story, how many times can they tell it? People were mean to you, we know, we’ve heard it already. You were born second, yes, boo hoo. (On the bright side, not spare any more, with George, Charlotte and Louis. Oh, er, does that mean you are now completely irrelevant, Harry?)

I’m just not sure why we all have to care? Well, continue to care? Harry just seems to appear more and more boring with every new, read repeated, utterance coming from his mouth. And her? Remind me, who is she again?

And I don't care, no, really, I don't. I don't think they are very interesting, but it seems to be in every online news I look at now, so they are hard to avoid.

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