Sunday, February 11, 2024

Carnival Day

It's gay carnival day, you know, the day gays prove they can be just as obnoxious as the gerneral public.

Ha ha! I don't mean that, it's not true. But you know, people en mass? Shudder! Gays are, generally, not as obnoxious as the obnoxious general public. Oh, is that terrible? I guess it is? Some of the general public are my friends, although, I have to admit, my friendships have changed lately.

You know since the covid lock downs, Sam and I have become quite the home bodies, just hanging out with each other, and the woofs. Did the covid lock downs have that effect on other people? I guess they did.

Anyway, we'll get out there and parade up and down with the bulldogs. See what there is to see. Chat to who there is to chat to. Buy some street food. Listen to the music.

The sun is shining, in fact, it is one beautiful day. Should be lots of shorts and bare skin.

I've watered all of my plants, inside and out, listening to George Michael's Songs from the Last Century.

Sam has cleaned the house, even doing the vacuuming, he said it was just easier not having to listen to me continually complaining about our shit LG vacuum. Rude, I said. But, I couldn't really complain too much, as what he is saying is basically true. I'm a pain in the arse when I have to use that blood awful vacuum.

Anyway, I must drink some water, keep hydrated for a day in the sun. Now, where is my hat?

I'm now listening to Ray Charles.

We're heading out for lunch first. Then the carnival.

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