Sunday, February 04, 2024

It Was Hot Today

It was hot today, 38 degrees. So, we washed the dogs and took them for a walk early, 10am'ish, harnesses on, air drying as they walked, beats towels and hair dryers. Lots of people seemed to be walking their dogs early, which I guess is hardly surprising.Golden retrievers with their blonde hair shimmying in the sun, and sausage dogs, all yappy like they are. Maybe, they washed their dogs too.

We did grocery shopping. I could kind of taste the coming heat in the air as I waited in the street for Sam to finish the shopping. There is something about the air when it's going to be a scorcher, as they say. You can feel it, you can taste the heat coming on the breeze.

Then we spent the rest of the day in front of the fan.

Sam wants to get air-conditioning, but I don't want the equivalent of a white plastic box on the most prominent wall of my period lounge room. I just don't.

Sam doesn't care about machinery hanging off the wall where only my collection of art now hangs.

Eventually, climate change might take that decision out of my hands.

Bruno and I went to Bunnings and got new pots and I re-potted some pot plants. I did the re-potting, you understand, Bruno just watched. Well, I can't lie on the couch and watch YouTube all day. It would be nice, but, you've got to have the content for that time span.

Bruno knows the moment I think I am going to drive somewhere to do an errand, like a savant. Some times its like he knows before I even do. 

He is at the door waiting for me to head out with that where-are-we-going look on his face. Then Otto picked up on Bruno picking up on something and he wanted to go too, but only Bruno and I went.

The car was really hot having sat in the sun all day. It was so hot the air-conditioning felt like it wasn't working initially. It was a relief to park it in the Bunnings Underground carpark out if the sun. 

I guess, we're all going to need underground carparks in future, just to survive.

Straight away we bumped into one of those staffy/American Bulldogs that was caramel coloured all over, everything the same colour, lips, nose, eye lids, fur, and with distinct pig eyes. It seemed to be a toothless loser on the other end of the lead, which seemed odd to me as toothless losers seldom do house maintenance, that’s terrible isn’t it? I just naturally pulled Bruno away from his dog, you know, as you do. I think he mumbled something like, "Woa there killer." Maybe he had adjustments to make to the methlab, and I chuckled, and then I chastised myself for such thoughts.

I got a house key cut for my car key/plastic box keyless thingie, as I took the key off that some time ago and gave it to a friend who was staying who, didn't, of course give it back. And then the other day I just grabbed my keyless car key thing to drop Sam off somewhere without taking my wallet, which has a key in it, for the first time and when I got back I was locked out of the house, so I did do that, got a key. Fuck being locked out, it is the worst feeling. Well, I guess, having your leg bitten off by a shark would be a worse feeling, but, you know, I couldn't be certain, if you know what I mean.

I had to go back and exchange the pot I bought for a bigger pot a bit later, and get the potting mix I forgot the first time, but Bruno didn't want to come the second time, too hot I guess.

And then that was Sunday done, and Monday loomed.

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