Friday, February 09, 2024

We Fixed The Gate

While the two fat air-conditioning guys, very nice guys, I might add, installed the new air-conditioning (at one point the two of them were on the roof singing together), we repaired a gate. 

The back gate of Sam's rental was falling apart, fallen apart so much that it was almost impossible to open and close it. And I think Sam way over estimates my handyman talent, but you know, someone having belief in you is powerful, so generally I just fake it, and get through whatever he thinks I can do. 

My dad could do anything, and when I was a kid I used to hang out with him watching him do things, and that training, although only watching, apparently gave me skills I often don't know I have, who'd have thought.

So, you know, I just fake it, that's what it feels like to me, that I have no right to be doing some of the things I do, is that imposter syndrome? I don't know. I guess, imposter syndrome is more serious than repairing a gate.

We took the gate off its frame. And I know that screws and glue are the way to fasten wood work properly, so that's what we did, glued it and screwed it. It wasn't pretty, but it was back together and solid. 

And then we reattached it to the gate frame and it opened and closed.

Then I found a tin of paint in the garage that was wood paint, so next I will give it a few coats of paint, and that will probably mask a lot of the ugly repairs.

There you have it. I have never repaired a gate before, but now the gate is repaired.

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