Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Osmosis Smith My IT Guy

Osmosis Smith, let's call him Tim for short, my dedicated IT guy, because that's what you get when you work for a wealth law firm that is on track to earn $1 billion this year - yep, that's what greedy corporate lawyers who are adding to the destruction of the fabric of society earn - has a big arse.

Tim usually wears tight suit trousers which keep his big bum in some sort of order, but yesterday he was wearing jeans, I'm not really sure why. His jeans were quite baggy and as such made his rear end seem bigger than it usually does.

I asked him to do a twirl, which he did obediently, with that cute pout on his handsome face. He has lovely eyes.

"Jeans," I said. I twirled my finger in mid air above my head.

"Yes," he said.

"Well... nice," I said when he was back facing me. I was talking about his big, beefy butt, but I couldn't let him think that. "Nice jeans."

"Thanks," he said.

I'm not sure if he gets it, or not. I don't know.

I watched him walk away. Big arse sashaying all the way to the door.

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