Friday, February 23, 2024

People Are Cunts

People are basically dishonest bastards. I was just filling up the windscreen washer bottle to my car and I saw that the fourth person has backed into my car and driven away without leaving their contact details to own up to the damage they have done.

And you know they would just say, “Oh I didn’t think there was any damage.” No, you just didn’t give a shit that’s the answer and you thought you’d get away with it.

What might I do, you ask, if I backed into someone’s car? I wouldn’t back into someone’s car in the first place, watch what you are doing, backing a car it is not rocket science, as they say.

And you know the vandalism done to my bonnet, I don’t actually have any proof, and of course I could be wrong, it's just a feeling I have from dealing with her, but I reckon it was Taylor B, who backed into the front of my car and drove away who I had to have tracked down by the police, she always thought there was no damage, and I reckon she’s come alone, (she lives in the area) looked at the car and thought I haven’t had it repaired, which I haven’t yet, and she has keyed the bonnet of my car over and over again, like the entitled one I learned she was from dealing with her.

You know, we all know the true secret to life, just care less.

My windscreen washer doesn't work even after I have filled it up. And you know, the water bottle for the windscreen is down low on the right hand side of the car right where the latest c[word] backed into it.

And driving today, there is an airbag warning sensor that I didn't have on my dashboard the last time I drove the car, before the latest c[word] backed into it.

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