Friday, May 17, 2024

Charlie is Going To Gym

Charlie is doing the whole gym thing. When I get up there are dirt dishes in the kitchen from where he is eating how ever many times a day they eat to get whatever it is that does. 

He's going to a 24 hour gym at all times in the night.

It is like having my stepson Fen back.

Are all 20 year old boys the same? Is this the same cliched pathway they all head down? Gotta get bigger than the other boys then no one can hurt/beat/win/dominate/succeed me/over me.

Of course, Fen's gym habit ultimately killed him in his 30s due to his steroid use. Separated from his girlfriend due to aggression - now with what would that be associated - dying of a heart attack in a men's boarding house in a bong-smoke smokey room, quietly slipping away from the accounts, such as they were, while the next guy passed him a fresh cone. The guys present carrying him back to his room and putting him on his bed, rather than calling an ambulance. A very sad end to someone who was underneath all of that a very smart and lovely boy. What a fucken waste.

Or was that stupidity that killed Fen?

I'm never really sure about that one any longer?

Anyway, it is kind of difficult/sense of deja vu watching Charlie seemingly repeat the same story. Mr 3 word sentences, that is certainly a difference between Charlie and Fen.

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