Saturday, May 18, 2024

I Have No Idea What To Do Next?

In the last two day, Bruno and Otto have started fighting to the extent that they went from sleeping in adjoining beds yesterday to not being able to be in the same room today. It is very upsetting, not to say mind-blowing.

In amongst all of this, we have walked them to lunch, with no problem. We also walked them late for a second walk after all the fighting, and they are fine together on a walk.

I'm watching Bridgerton after Sam took Bruno to bed early, 8.30pm. I had never watched it before. Those Bridgerton boys certainly are cute, but that Duke of Hastings, now there is a handsome man.

I'm sitting up with Otto, not really knowing how we were all going to sleep in the same room, tonight, which we did up until last night. There is no Plan B at this point, 10.30pm in the evening. 

Bruno is my best guy.

Otto is the loveliest little man.

I don't know what we are going to do?

No sooner had I written that, than Otto headed to the back door for a wee and then he headed off upstairs. Sam was still awake, so I took Otto to his puppy pen which is still set up in our bedroom, but which he hasn't slept in in months, many months.

Bruno appeared to want to go for a wee, so I proceeded to take him downstairs, but he changed his mind on the stairs and went back to bed. He walked past Otto's puppy pen twice with no incident.

I asked Sam if he wanted me to go to bed now, he said he didn't care, that he'd be fine. The trouble with them fighting, it is very hard to grab either one of them, we really need to leave their harnesses on, then they are much easier to grab.

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