Monday, May 13, 2024


Monday morning, sad face.

Actually, it was a pretty easy day. I got all my work done and then I wrote a story, just how it should be.

I've been re-writing all the stories on my fiction blog. I have now done all of the more recent stories. 

Now I have done March, April and have just about finished May 2010. Yeah, I know, most likely no one is going back to read them, but what the fuck, it isn't that hard, and I'm getting through the months pretty quickly.

All I want to do is write stories. I just need someone to discover this aging wonder kid so I can do just that. I'm the equivalent of a middle aged house wife in a Deb dress, but I who cares about that.

I don't want to work, pay bills, get the roof fixed, or take the car to the panel beater, I don't want to do any of that, I just want to sit on my arse and write stories. Good, bad, or indifferent stories. And in between just sitting and stare out into the back yard like those greek philosopher's sitting under trees.

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