Thursday, May 09, 2024

Getting The Job Done

Winter is coming, as they say. And my leaking kitchen roof isn't healing itself, we know that.

I decided that I had to do something about it. I agonised over it all morning. (I have agonised over it for a month since getting the quote, I have agonised over it since my neighbour gave me this guys number last October. I have agonised over it for a years since the roof started leaking) I find to make any of these sorts of decisions, I just have to over think it to a point where I just auto-pilot-like pick up the phone and call and say, "Do it", or I get to a stage where I just say, to myself, AH AH AH AH NO MORE! I can't think about this any more. And then I am done with it.

I wish I was decisive. You'd think I would get more decisive as I get older, but sadly the opposite is true.

So, early afternoon, I picked up my phone, called the roof guy and told him to do it.

The quote is more than I expected, but he comes with recommendations from two people. 

Otherwise, I'm going to have to get more quotes, and who can you trust, all tradies now a days are suss, until proven otherwise. And, if I went this route, I'd probably let it slide through another wet winter.

This way it is fixed. What he has said needs to be done, makes sense to me, just stop agonising about it and get it fixed.

So, that is what I did at 3pm this afternoon.

(Of course, he is no cute Josh standing up on the roof above me with his wide legged blue work shorts and his red jocks hugging, all of, him wonderfully, but his two sons who, apparently, do all the work, are kind of sexy, pity it won't be hot weather when they are doing the work)

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