Friday, May 24, 2024

I Don't Really Get It

I don't get the dogs and this 'sibling rivalry' at all. They are perfectly fine to go walking together. They are perfectly fine meeting up in the hallway on the way out for a walk. In fact, they are still perfectly fine to be fed together in the kitchen, well, the atrium attached to the kitchen, like normal. But, if they meet up in the lounge room, or other parts of the house, at other times they will start to growl and will fight if allowed to.

It's annoying.

Our perfect dogs.

It hasn't got any better yet.

We took the dogs for a walk early this morning when it was still dark, we're taking the dogs for more walks as a kind of therapy, and a fox ran past us in our street and then down Little Victoria Street where it turned and looked back at us, it’s ears and it’s tail silhouetted against the rising morning sun, and then it turned and ran off down to Smith Street.

A Fox In Smith Street? It sounds like the title of a short film.

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