Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Dumb Engaged His Mouth

A guy abused me in the street accusing me of dog cruelty for owning a bulldog. He was really angry about it.

I turn around to see who it was and he says something about dog abuse, or abused bulldog puppies, bloody disgusting, 

Whatever, I think.

That is a new one. I've had people ask me about their breathing, and if it is a problem for them, but I've never been abused.

Another one that drank the stupidity cool-aid without bothering to read the instructions.

He was with a buddy. I referred to them as Dumb and Dumber. They crawled back into their van and drove away.

They are weird these people, they feel that they are entitled to say anything they want to you. And if I'd said, why don't you fuck off you ignorant bag of shit, he'd probably have got upset.

I didn't say anything, what is the point of engaging with a moron?

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