Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Thank Christ That Is Over

Jesus, fuck me up the arse, I feel like I have done twice as many days, not one fewer, by the time I sign out at 4.30pm. (And my weekend starts as Sam likes to remind me)

The day being topped off with an HR meeting was just the proverbial icing on the shit cake that was these last two days.

Our Big Poobah, Tony Rivers, has told us, his crack finance team, to come up with a solution to what is essentially another HR problem. Yeah, cheers thanks for that, Tony, we say.

So HR are gathered together into a Zoom meeting, even Blue Eyes, Chip Sunshine, the Grand Poobah of HR, is present in the meeting, which I am mildly surprised about. (That blonde hair and those blue eyes, it has been an awfully long time since I have daydreamed about him jizzing in his jocks)

What are my ideas on fixing the blah blah problem in the company?  Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Who gives a shit, is all I can think, as I sit in the zoom meeting, as they all indulge in their non-stop word salads.

They just like the sound of their own voices, there is no other explanation for this, seemingly never ending, blah, blah, blah.

I let Boris do the talking.

Chip resists most suggestions.

Being in a zoom meeting, is a bit like being at the hairdresser, all that time gazing at myself on screen, or in the mirror, is somewhat disconcerting. 

How old do I look?

Can I see myself aging in real time as I sit in this yap'athon?

But, I do discover that the new HR person interstate is not the cute blond guy I thought he was, but rather a chick with a bad perm, (she looks a bit like an Afghan Hound that was caught in the rain) and from what I could see, dressed in some sort of tasteless, home sewn smock. I don't know how I got that confused, or who the photo of the cute blond guy was that I saw, but, it spins my head, just ever so slightly. (I would have fucked the other one. This one? Not even with your dick. Chuckle)

Oh, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap. Do these people ever fucking stop talking?

But eventually they do. Thank the lordy do dah day. What course of action did we settle on? I don't know, I stopped listening long before the finish, besides, I'm leaving it up to Boris, fuck it, she is the Director of whatever our corner of the finance world is called. So direct...

I'm exhausted when we take Bruno for a walk last thing.

I fall asleep in front of the TV right after dinner.

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