Tuesday, June 20, 2023


It's freezing! Fuck, it is cold. I am now sitting right in front of the open fire with my laptop. Bruno kept coming and sitting in my lap, earlier, me with my laptop on the coffee table, and him with his head against my chest. But, he kept farting like something had died up his arse, the fumes from which were seeping out intermittently. It just kept wafting up to my nose, over and over again. I kept looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"You have to be kidding me?"

He just looked up at me with his big, caramel coloured eyes like butter wouldn't fucking melt in his sweet mouth.

"You are really disgusting, you know," I kept saying to him.

And he'd just gaze up at me with his puppy dog eyes. I couldn't even be mad at him.

The sun is now shining outside, but the temperature is Antarctic still, witches fucking tit, isn't that what they say. You fuck a witch and you turn to ice, isn't that the story?

I guess it applies to boy witches too? It starts at your knob and then just takes over your body until you are an ice sculpture just standing there with your dick out.

I lay out the big, fluffy woollen blanket on the couch, and Bruno hi-tailed it up there, taking his stinky arse with him. He loves a woollen blanket more than just about anything. It is the warmth and the wool is a favourite. He's now snoring over there.

I've got all my work done. Just waiting for the next instalment of documents. I've successfully ignored HR who are trying to get me to do their work, but I just say no. They have a bit of a melt down because they can't get their way, and then they get it done their selves.

Jesus, if I did everything HR wanted me to do, I'd be doing their entire jobs by now. They try it on, oh yes they do. You just have to stand up to them.

"Be a team player, Christian."

Whenever they say that, it is HR speak for, do as we tell you, do as we say. The fuckers.

I'd rather be cuddling my dog, farts and all. Actually, I love Bruno sitting within my arms with the back of his head, and his back, pushed up against my chest. It is such an adorable cuddle. He feels like the loveliest little guy sitting like that. And he's warm, like a hot water bottle.

The open fire crackles behind me warming my back. There is something so lovely about an open fire.

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