Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I Haven't Moved in Thirty Years

I went to mum’s for dinner and delivered Fred back to her. He scampered up the front steps with his tail wagging.

My brother William called me yesterday and left a message for me to call him. I didn’t call until today and spoke to his wife Wendy. Apparently, Auntie Leonora called looking for mum, mum's older, bitch sister. We all shake when we hear her name mentioned. She is a witch.

Everybody wants to know what Leonora wants, including Beck and Stella at work. I must be the biggest blabbermouth in the world, no really. Funny, I'm a bit stand-offish with most people, but the people I know well, blabsmagore.

All except mum, Lottie couldn't have cared about Leonora.

“I’m not going to be too concerned about what she wants. If she wants to call me, she can call back. I haven't moved in thirty years. Tea?”

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